MIC Activity

Moral object, Intention, Circumstance

Be sure to read through everything!

1. Read (or re-read) pages 58 through 64 especially noticing definitions of moral object, circumstances and intention.

2. Read (or re-read) the EXERCISE on the right margin of page 65.  Your task is similar to the EXERCISE. 

3. Now read (or re-read) through the “Case: Courageous Sacrifice or an Old Fool” in the orange box on page 65 (this is similar to what you will be doing.)

4. TASK: Find 1 article describing a current event from an online news source that you can use to illustrate the moral object, intention and circumstances.  Sometimes the intention will have to be figured out on your own. Something immoral needs to have occurred in the story.

5. These need to actual current events that that you find online at newspaper web sites. 

6. Again, something immoral needs to have occurred in the news event.

7. Copy and paste the story into the MIC Activity page on our wetpaint wiki.  Be sure to include the title of the article, author, date and website. 

8. Immediately after each story—identify the moral object, intention and circumstance.  This is very important and needs to be done well. Use a different font or color of text to distinguish the article and the identification of the moral object, intent, and circumstances.

9. You may work only by yourself.

10. Be sure to put your name at the top and separate your article from others with a line.

11.DO NOT use the same article as someone else. First come, first served. If you find an article that you like. Post it on the MIC Activity page immediately and you get "dibs" on it. When you post something on wetpaint, it records the time you do it. If you get the article there first, it is yours.

12. Be prepared to share this in class.

A template follows


M I C Activity

Title of Article:
Author or news service:
Date of Story:
INSERT ARTICLE Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis quam nibh, pellentesque id, gravida lobortis, faucibus quis, arcu. Aliquam eros orci, ornare ac, laoreet et, pulvinar quis, velit. Cras tempor convallis urna. Maecenas dui quam, lacinia facilisis, vulputate ac, dignissim quis, mauris. Nulla leo est, venenatis eget, condimentum sed, imperdiet ac, massa. Suspendisse potenti. Sed pulvinar lobortis augue. Praesent quis purus. Nulla facilisi. Nunc venenatis iaculis quam. Nam in velit.
Integer mi. Nam pede urna, tincidunt ac, imperdiet sed, vehicula placerat, diam. Morbi tempor. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris id mi. Nam eget magna tempus erat viverra placerat. Fusce sit amet nisl. In dolor nisi, varius auctor, interdum ac, euismod quis, magna. Duis massa. Suspendisse auctor dui quis metus. Mauris eu est non tortor gravida hendrerit. In tempus purus at odio. Nulla eleifend nisl non eros. Aliquam erat volutpat.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut mauris. Phasellus risus arcu, hendrerit sit amet, lacinia in, lacinia sit amet, libero. Duis nulla pede, porta ut, blandit et, elementum a, mauris. Morbi egestas eros feugiat leo. Fusce aliquet ullamcorper est. Sed libero mi, varius ut, malesuada a, pellentesque et, mi. Aliquam lacinia libero sit amet augue pretium sagittis. In odio. Aliquam vitae sem. Vestibulum quam odio, aliquet id, posuere at, ornare volutpat, eros. Suspendisse consectetuer consequat sem. Maecenas ligula. Praesent eu nunc ut nisi sagittis vulputate. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi commodo sem a nisi. Quisque ac nibh. Morbi eget mauris. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Vivamus mollis suscipit lectus.

Moral Object of the Story:


