
Morality Test 8 2006 (Sexuality)

Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.


Females have a closed sexual system and males have an open sexual sytem; a male’s system is easier to damage.


If you have sex outside of marriage you are going to pay a price


Jason Evert said modesty means you are worth waiting to see.


Jason Evert said if we kill our conscience and still choose to believe that the priceless gift of our body is not a big deal--something starts to die inside.


Jason Evert said that you can never start over with purity.


Jason Evert said that if peole who choose to live together before marriage have a divorce rate of 8%


Jason Evert said that if you date and save each other for marriage, even if you are not virgins, you triple the odds of having a successful marriage.


Jason Evert said lust can wait to give, but love cannot wait to get.


Crystalina Evert said that we should use the “Love Test.” Only when love is put to the test can it's value be seen.


Jason Evert said that a doctor told him that no teenage girls have to be on the pill for medical reasons--it doesn't cure--it just covers it up


Jason Evert said that doctors never get money from pharmacuitical companies if they put girls on the pill for at least 5 years.


Jason Evert said the most common STD in North America is HIV.


One out of five people in North America has genital herpes.


Jason Evert said that in one study, 46% of girls who had one sexual partner before they were 17, contracted cervical HPV.


Jason Evert said that condoms are NOT useless in fighting HPV.


Jason Evert said that according to a poll of 1400 girls, purity in guys is undeniably attractive.


Jason Evert said that practicing chastity now trains you in faithfulness. Train yourself in faithfulness now, so you can be all the more faithful in marriage.


Jason and Crystalina were married 110 days after the video was recorded.


Jason Evert said that if we are dating now, we are dating someone else's future spouse.  We should then guard them and protect them for their future spouse.


Jason Evert told us that the NIH study on condom effectiveness said that we do not have sufficient scientific evidence to prove that the condom can protect men from 6 of 8 from some of the most common STDs.  The study also mentioned that we do not have sufficient scientific evidence to prove that the condom can protect women from 7 of 8 of the most common STDs


You can’t contract HPV from skin to skin contact, or even hand to genital contact.


There are 3 types of love, Agape, Eros and Philos.


The Greek word “philos” is defined as unconditional sexual love between married people.


Any judgement about artificial birth control must be made in light of the unitive and procreative ends of marriage.  Each act of intercourse must be open to these 2 ends or the action is seriously contrary to God’s will for sexual relations.  Thus, contraception is wrong.


Sexual intercourse in meant to be soley unitive (just for love) in nature, never procreative (creating new life.)


Sexuality does not affect all aspects of the human person, it affects only the physical.


Jealousy is a normal, albeit difficult human emotion.


Compliments and flattery are exactly the same thing.


The ultimate goal of an emotional groomer is to gain control of the target and of the relationship.


Language cons are the words and phrases or “lines” that groomers use to trick and manipulate their targets.


Telling strangers very personal things about yourself is a sign that your boundaries are too closed.


The idea of personal boundaries can be viewed as a series of invisible circless around your physical and emotional self.


Gossiping about others is not a boundary violation.


Your boundaries are too open if you believe everything you hear and can’t see flaws in others.


Your boundaries are too closed if you have sexual encounters with acquanitances.


Crystalina Evert said she was ashamed of herself and her lifestyle when she was in high school and she decided she needed to respect herself and her body.


Jason Evert said the only way for a guy to be a real man is by denying himself for love of his bride by remaining pure and chaste.


Jason Evert said that a recent study shows that a majority of high school girls and guys are not virgins but are sexually active, not the other way around.


Crystalina Evert said that girls will give guys the “love” for the sake of getting sex, guys will give girls sex for the sake of love.


When Crystalina was 15 years old, she said to her high school boyfriend, “If you really love me you’d prove it too me.“


Jason Evert said the birth control pill allows cancer causing agents access to your body.


Jason Evert said that if you take the pill for an extended period of time before you get pregnant, you increase your chances of contracting breast cancer by 40%.


Jason Evert said that love means you do not do what is best for your beloved, you do what is in your own self-interest.  That’s real love.


Teenage girls are 10 times as likely to contract an STD if they are on the pill and sexually active.  The teenage body just isn’t made for that kind of traffic.


Jason Evert said that couples that choose to live together before marriage almost never divorced.

6 Ways the Pill Works Matching: Match the answers below with what follows.  Answers may be used once, more than once or not at all
The word “contraceptive” basically means this.
The lining of the uterus.
The ovaries releasing an egg each month.
Think of this as a clamp that holds onto the baby while he or she implants.
One of the 3 contraceptive ways the pill works.
None of these
One of the 3 ways the pill works as an abortifacient.


Preventing Ovulation


Interferes with communication


Prevents implantation






Thickens mucous


Changes tube movement




Against or contrary to conception


Interferes with integrins
Matching: 9 Grooming Tactics.  Match the answers below with the questions that follow.  Answers may be used once, more than once or not at all.
Jealousy and Possessiveness
None of these


Lucky is the guy that gets to be with a diamond like you.


Sebastian to Annette, “I’m tired of your games.”


Sebastian to Annette, “Good night, Sweet Pea!”


Tells you how to dress and how to spend your time


When J.Lo’s husband says, “I refuse to live without you.”


Sebastian to Annette, “You make me feel inadequate.”


Using vulgar sexual language in front of the target


What was Josh Bryant using when he asked out the Princess


Sebastian to Annette, “You’re a hypocrite.”


Using popularity to lure a target into a sexual relationship


Giving to get


The groomer seeking to gain power or dominance in the relationship by using any or all of the grooming tactics described.


“Babygirl, if I could do it, I’d buy you everything you every wanted.”


“She’s my woman.”  “You belong to me.”


Asking for constant reassurance of the target’s love and loyalty


Trying to magnify the target’s weaknesses and get them to feel bad about themselves


Yelling at the target with explosive emotion in order to manipulate them


Compliments with strings attached--or with a hidden agenda


Using vulgar, threatening or offensive sexual language in front of the target.


The groomer doesn’t want anyone messing with their territory.
Matching: Boundary Problems. Answers may be used once, more than once or not at all.
Boundaries too open
None of these
Boundaries too closed


Refuse to let trustworthy adults shake your hand or pat you on the back.


Don’t have any friends.


Believe you deserve bad treatment


Engage in public displays of affection.


Trust strangers.


Don’t let adults help.


Allow yourself to be abused.


Believe everything you hear.


Don’t trust anyone.


Have sexual encounters with strangers.


Are unable to identify your own wants, needs and feelings.


Can’t say “no.”


Can’t say “yes”


Never ask for help, even when needed.


Take responsibility for other’s feelings.


Share too much personal information.


Can’t see flaws in others.


Will do anything to avoid conflict.


Wear revealing clothing.


Trust strangers.


Share little or nothing about yourself.


Stand or sit too close to others.


Make sexual comments in public.


Always say “no” to requests that might require you to get close to somebody.


Reveal extremely personal thoughts, feelings or experiences to acquaintances.

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